Sunday 9 May 2010

long walk big sleep

We went for a walk this morning. We met so many dogs, they formed a large pack and ran and played and Kizzie was oh so happy. One man had a rottweiler and a tiny but very pretty poodle. A regular at the meadow is a lady with a Westie, two labradors and a Cocker spaniel, and there were two other black labs. Guess which of all the dogs there was the dominant one? The itsy bitsy poodle of course. When we got home, Kiz had a drink and flopped onto her bed where she slept for hours.
I fixed Kizzies bed. You wouldn't believe how hard it was to get the thing under the sewing machine. It has a very strong two layer cotton quilted base now. She won't eat that in a hurry! I kept the plump cushion from Kizzie's baby bed and threw the rest away. She does keep growing..
Kizzie has been as good as gold at night for quite a while. We have a little ritual where I put her blanket on the sofa and she climbs on, I tuck her in and say shhhhh. The last few nights as soon as I get upstairs, she has a little cry and then a big bark. I come down and she is waiting for me with a toy in her mouth, wagging her tail. I encourage her back onto the sofa, say nightnight and go back upstairs. Not a sound until morning. This does remind me of something...

1 comment:

  1. I swear she just gets more gorgeous each time I see her. :)
