Saturday, 16 July 2011


I caught Kizzie bottom scooting along the carpet this morning!  I assumed she had worms so called at the vets to get worm treatment whilst we were out and about. I mentioned the scooting and our young vet thought it more likely to be anal gland problems, so the nurse took Kizzie off to a consulting room for a quick look-see.
I was quite proud as Kizzie climbed onto the scales and sat as we walked past them :)

Then I went a bit pink when the nurse had a look at Kizzie's rear end and told me that the problem was a bit of twig stuck to the hair around her bottom.  A quick shave and we left via the scales again.  25.25kg btw

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Embarrassing but so wonderful it wasn't a big medical problem!
