Sunday 31 July 2011

life is full of firsts

Some of the 'firsts' are more welcome than others.  Murphy enjoyed his first 'roll' in poo today.  Shortly followed by a bath. 

He wasn't too happy about going in the bath but put up with it.  He wasn't going to allow me to wash his rear end though, so sat.  In two inches of soapy bath water.  Suits me :)

In the photo Murphy is outside enjoying his hide chew. Kizzie is keeping her eye on him whilst staying out of the sun.

Is everyone having a mass infestation of ants this year or have they all moved to sunny Sleaford?


  1. We have had flying ants in the conservatory this week and a friend is infested so it's not just Sleaford :-)

  2. Flying ants are horrible and just not natural - ants shouldn't be able to fly.
