Thursday 28 June 2012

We went to the seaside

As it was such a nice day we took ourselves off to the beach.  We had a lovely couple of hours.

On the way back we had only been in the car a few minutes when Kizzie leaned over the back seat and started to whine very insistantly. B pulled into a layby right across from a deer park! There were lots of "stay....staaay..." whilst we opened the boot, but they were as good as gold and sat and waited whilst we put the leads on. Phew!! As they jumped out I realised why Kiz had been so upset. There was a very large puddle of vomitty looking stuff. Poor little love used to get very car sick but she has been fine lately. Luckily we always pile the boot with blankets so I just lifted the top one out and shook it by the side of the road, noticing at the same time that the kibble forming a large part of the pile was in fact Murphy's.  That's a first.  Bless my little girl she was telling me that Murphy was ill :)

As we drove home we could see huge flashes of lightening and the sky got darker and darker.  It was the biggest storm I have driven through, lightening striking down to the ground, thunder fit to deafen and pounding rain that the wipers couldn't keep up with.  The roads were flooded and it did get a bit scary, but we were very brave as we didn't want to frighten the dogs.

All is well that ends well , both hooligans are fast asleep with full bellies as they have just eaten their dinners and the sun is shining

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